Jul 19
As it has become a tradition in our lab, each summer, we enjoyed having lunch with our I-SURF fellows.
On a sunny but slightly cool Friday in Irvine, lead researchers and their students gathered to present their current research pursuits, find common interests, and define future collaborations.
We would like to express our gratitude to Debra Brodbeck (Assistant Director of ISR) and David Redmiles (ICS professor) for organizing and coordinating this workshop.
A former student of SDCL, Consuelo Lopez, visited us today from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Consuelo shared her previous experiences as a graduate student, and provided valuable feedback to all SDCL members on their research projects.
Jan 19
Philip J. Guo, Assistant Professor of Cognitive Science UC San Diego visited SDCL. Adriana Meza Soria, Ph.D. student in SDCL, presented her research project, Knocap.
Oct 18
Professor Eduardo Santana de Almeida from Brazil is joining our lab for a year. Eduardo is an associate professor at Federal University of Bahia. Learn more about him on his website: http://homes.dcc.ufba.br/~esa/
Eduardo in SDCL.
Marian Petre is a Professor at Open University in England. We are glad to welcome her to work with us one more time. Here a picture about Marian’s particular workstyle towards amazing creations!
Photograph taken by André van der Hoek
Adriana, Software Engineering Ph.D. student in our lab, presented her poster Toward Collecting and Delivering Knowledge for Software Design at the Whiteboard for CHASE workshop at ICSE 2018.
Photograph taken by André van der Hoek (thanks!)
Jun 17
Thomas successfully defended his master’s thesis on improving mining performance for Internet code search engines!