We are very excited to welcome Thomas LaToza to the laboratory. He will be joining us this Fall from CMU, where he just completed his Ph.D. (congrats!).
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We are very excited to welcome Thomas LaToza to the laboratory. He will be joining us this Fall from CMU, where he just completed his Ph.D. (congrats!).
Yesterday and today, the SDCL hosted the SCALE meeting for our collaborative grant with CMU and UNL. Fourteen students presented their work and received feedback from the group as a whole, with various new ideas and joint projects emerging.
A demo of Calico is now available. Please visit the Calico research page, then scroll to the Demo section for details.
We’re happy to announce that our video of Calico will be showing at CSCW this Wednesday. All CSCW attendees are welcome to see ours and many other wonderful research videos during the CSCW Videos Session, which starts at 11am.
We are pleased to announce that Calico’s and Lighthouse’s repositories have been moved to SDCL’s new GitHub account! We are pleased to announce that Calico (http://sdcl.ics.uci.edu/research/calico) and Lighthouse (http://sdcl.ics.uci.edu/research/lighthouse) are now on GitHub (https://github.com/uci-sdcl/lighthouse) ! We are pleased to announce that Calico (http://sdcl.ics.uci.edu/research/calico) and Lighthouse (http://sdcl.ics.uci.edu/research/lighthouse) are now on GitHub (https://github.com/uci-sdcl/lighthouse) !
The SDCL is now in charge of moderating and administrating the ACM SIGSOFT SEWORLD mailing list. The mailing list, started over 15 years ago at the University of Colorado at Boulder, serves the Software Engineering community through the dissemination of time-sensitive information relevant to the field of software engineering research (http://www.sigsoft.org/seworld/). We are very exited […]
We had a fun visit to Google, discussing possible directions for Calico with some SDCL’s former members who now work there. Thanks Ping, Chris, Eugen, and Chris!
We traveled to Pittsburgh for the kickoff meeting of our new grant titled “Large-Scale Human-Centered Coordination Systems to Support Interdependent Tasks in Context”, together with members of the CRADL group and the Interaction Design and Coordination Lab, visiting our partners at CMU.
We are delighted to announce that the NSF has awarded the SDCL a 2011 IIS grant in support of our work on distributed collaboration; the grant is entitled “Large-Scale Human-Centered Coordination Systems to Support Interdependent Tasks in Context ” and is joint work with Jim Herbsleb, Laura Dabbish, and Linda Argote at Carnegie Mellon University, […]
Our purchase of 21 new ASUS EEE EP121 tablets has arrived! These tablets are great, and Nick already got to try them out when the Brea Olinda Global IT Academy students visited our department today.