Congratulations to Consuelo López, who was recently granted the 2016 Miguel Velez scholarship.
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Congratulations to Consuelo López, who was recently granted the 2016 Miguel Velez scholarship.
Lee Martie defended and passed his PhD Topic Proposal on Tuesday. The tile of his talk was “Supporting Iterative Internet-Scale Code Search” and the committee was formed by André van der Hoek (Chair), Cristina Lopes and James Jones. Congratulations Lee!
A blast from the past. SimSE, developed by one of the very first graduate students of SDCL – Emily Navarro, continues to be popular. Check out some youtube videos of folks using it!
We have just categorized around 500 sketches the CrowdDesign team collected in their latest experiment. It took 3h for a crowd of six people to do the job! We all enjoyed pizza after the hard work.
Thomas Kwak is a new UCI Masters student who will be joining the code search team to do his Masters thesis!
Lee Martie at ASE 2015 presenting “CodeExchange: Supporting Reformulation of Internet-Scale Code Queries in Context”. This was joint work between Lee Martie, Thomas LaToza, and André van der Hoek.
We are glad to have had Martin and wish him well back home! Martin and Lee were still hard at work on Martin’s last day… they started to look a little weird though.
Gabriel is an undergrad student who will be working on CrowdCode with Arturo, Fabio, and Thomas.
All together to celebrate the end of a very busy quarter . Summer quarter is promising. Many projects going on and lab full of motivated people.
Thomas accepted a tenure-track position as a Assistant Professor at the George Mason University.