Jun 15
Iago Moreira and Nathan Martins are joining us for the Summer.
Nathan has just finished his one year interchange program in North Dakota State University. Iago is half way through his program in Rochester Institute of Technology. They are both sponsored by the Brazilian Science without Borders program.
.. and they are already working with Christian on the new version of the Crowd Debug tool!
May 15
Apr 15
Edgar is a new master student joining the lab. He is currently interested in investigating approaches to crowdsource software design.
“Racial Violence Archive: Public Information System on Incidents of Violence during the Civil Rights Period”
by Fernando Spanghero, Hosub Lee, Michael Bellato, Sowmya Jain, Roeland Singer-heinze, Ya-Wen Lin, Sunakshi Gupta, and Geoff Ward. The faculty Sponsors were Alfred Kobsa and Geoff Ward.
Here’s a teaser: http://owl.li/KPXjN
Mar 15
Congratulations Lee!!
L. Martie and A. van der Hoek, “Sameness: An Experiment in Code Search”, Proceedings of the 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories.
Mar 15
We have just categorized 441 comments Lee Martie collected in his latest experiment with CodeExchange. It took 1h15min for a crowd of nine people to do the job!
Feb 15
The competition happened on Jan 10th and is part of a new data science initiative aimed at coordinating UCI scientists who are working on various aspects of data science.
Our team was composed by Christian Adriano (SDCL), Vijay Palepu (Spider Lab), and Rianne Conijn (visitor Master student).
Feb 15
Welcome Fernando!
Fernando Spanghero is a new master student joining our research group. His interested in software design, more specifically in developing sketching tools.
Feb 15
Welcome Martín!
Martín Medina is a new master student joining our research group. He has work experience in software development and he will be working with Lee Martie in CodeExchange project.
Dec 14
Congrats are in order to Nick Lopez, who just finished defending his Ph.D. dissertation on the impact of non-determinism of LDA in software engineering!
Afterwards, there was a post-defense celebratory lunch!