Nov 14
Nick Mangano receives his ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Dissertation Award at FSE 2014 in Hong Kong, and is supported by Lee and Thomas who are both there as well to present at the Context workshop.
Oct 14
Thomas visited rainy Portland to co-chair the Fifth Workshop on the Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools at SPLASH 2014. There were many great talks on topics ranging from making programming more social through newsfeeds to an analysis of how race detection tools benefit developers. Josh Bloch, designer of the Java collections framework and author of Effective Java, gave an awesome keynote on the history of the API, including one of the most prescient two page papers ever written. New this year was a track for hypotheses papers, explicitly detailing the expecting practical usability implications of language features and tools on the practice of programming. For example, Jonathan Aldrich gave a retrospective of his work on programming language design for protocols, detailing hypotheses about its practical benefits for developers. The day concluded with some animated group brainstorming on the usability effects of types, program analysis, API documentation, and IDEs.
Oct 14
Thomas attended UIST 2014 in Honolulu, presenting his paper on Microtask programming: building software with a crowd. There were a number of interesting papers related to programming tools and crowdsourcing.
SDCL also had an entry in the UIST 2014 Analog Fabrication Sandcastle Competition.
Oct 14
Welcome Consuelo!
Consuelo Lopez is a new master student joining our research group. She has work experience in software quality and she is currently interested in developing tools for software design.
Sep 14
Welcome Arturo Di Lecce and Fabio Ricci!
Arturo and Fabio join us from Politecnico di Milano in Italy, where they are currently masters students. They’ll be visiting SDCL in sunny California for the next year and will be working on projects related to crowd programming and crowd design.
Aug 14
Micky and Lucy have graduated cum laude with their M.S. degrees from the University of Amsterdam.
The research they performed in SDCL uncovered interesting aspects of crowdsourcing software design.
We are hard at work on a paper summarizing their findings.
Program Java? Checkout CodeExchange, our new code search engine.
Our work on Crowd Programming was also featured on ACM TechNews and
Jul 14
Our work on crowd programming has been briefly featured in both the UC Irinve News and in Campus Technology.
Jul 14
We have a new member in SDCL – Gleiph Ghiotto.
Gleiph is a 3rd year PhD student from Fluminense Federal University. His advisor is professor Leonardo Murta. Gleiph will spend six months in our lab investigating merging and diffing approaches in open source repositories.