Congratulations to Ulyana Skladchikova and Matias Giorgio, two of the winners in the UC Irvine Software Design Competition. Participants first produced a design – describing either a system’s architecture and design or its user experience – and were then given some of the designs produced by others, producing a second revised design incorporating insights they had learned from others. All of the designs were evaluated by a panel of experts, and we selected the best designs. Many of the designs were very strong, reflecting lots of hard work. Thanks to all who participated!
Jun 14
We’re very happy to announce that the National Science Foundation has awarded SDCL a $1.4M grant to investigate the application of microtask crowdsourcing to programming.
More details in the official NSF announcement.
Jun 14
Two members of SDCL – André and Thomas – attended ICSE 2014 in Hyderabad, India. André served as a Program Chair of ICSE, helping to select the program of ICSE. Thomas served as an organizer of a new workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering (CSI-SE). Both ICSE and CSI-SE went very well, and we had many great conversations with our colleagues.
Bonus: in the tradition of Where’s Waldo, where’s André? (hint: André is Dutch).
Jun 14
We have two new members in SDCL for the summer:
Danilo is B.Sc. Student majoring in Computer Engineering at the Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil. He is a former exchange student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign during Fall 2013 and Spring 2014. He will work with Christian on how to apply crowd sourcing methods to detect bugs on Java source codes.
William is an award winning (honorable mention in IEEE gamesig) Game Designer majoring in Computer Game Science at UC Irvine. He is currently pursuing an interest in developing software and games for emerging technologies, such as the Google Glass, the Oculus Rift, and the Verve. He will work with Lee and Mengyao on the Google Glass project.
Welcome Danilo and William!
May 14
We needed to do some serious data mining on a budget, so we built a 45 Raspberry Pi Beowulf cluster. It’s working great and is a welcomed member of the lab :).
May 14
UC Irvine hosted a meeting of the SCALE research group. SDCL had posters on several research projects. Lots of great discussion!
Apr 14
Nick Mangano and Mengyao Zhao went to CHI this year in Toronto. Nick gave a talk on Calico called “Supporting Informal Design with Interactive Whiteboards”. Mengyao presented a paper called “A Doodled Us: A Design Case Study On Urban Collaborative Art With Arduino” at the Socially Engaged Art Practice in HCI workshop.
Mengyao’s team (group with Kate Ringland, Oliver Haimson, Nathan Major and Kalyda Tokhi), DanceCraft, won 2nd place and the Social Media Award in the 2014 annual autism appjam. Check more information about the project here:
Apr 14
Thomas gave on a talk on microtask programming at MobileWorks with plenty of great discussion and feedback!
Before the talk:
Apr 14
Luxi and Micky are master students from the University of Amsterdam. They will spend four months with us researching how to crowdsource software design activities. Welcome!