Apr 14
What do you do when you need to do a lot of parallel data processing but cloud services are just too expensive? Turn your lab’s tablets into servers, of course!
Mar 14
Our long-term collaborator Marian Petre from The Open University visited us last week. Her insights are always much appreciated and we already look forward to her next visit!
Feb 14
Mengyao is a first year Ph.D. student in Informatics. She is interested in doing research in design practice, more specifically the creative nature of it.
John is a first year M.S. student in Computer Science. He is interested in doing research in software architecture, particularly the field of software as a service (SaaS).
Feb 14
Congratulations to Nick Lopez and Christian Adriano, who were recently granted the 2014 Miguel Velez scholarship.
Dec 13
Thomas visited MobileWorks, a Berkeley based startup providing a platform for microtask crowdsourcing. Thomas gave a demo of CrowdCode and had a great discussion!
Thomas is co-organizing a new workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering (CSI-SE), in conjunction with ICSE 2014. The workshop will be a one day event with invited talks, a poster and demos session, and a crowd-based working session giving participants the opportunity to explore the application of crowdsourcing to software engineering and begin to forge collaborations.
More details to appear soon on the CSI-SE website.
Our paper, Supporting Informal Design with Interactive Whiteboards, was accepted for inclusion at CHI 2014! Hope to see you in Toronto!
Nov 13
André was recognized as one of the 2013 ACM Distinguished Scientists. A big congratulations to André!
Oct 13
SDCL visited GE Research labs in San Ramon. We presented our recent work on software design collaboration and crowd coding. We also had the opportunity to discuss interesting industry challenges in the fields of user experience and collaboration technology.
We kindly thank Roberto Silveira for all the awesome meetings we had with his research peers.
Oct 13