Several SDCL members attended the SCALE meeting in Pittsburgh, presenting work in progress talks on crowd development, crowd debugging, social-technical code search, and topic mining. And we also had an opportunity to practice our snowball throwing skills.
Mar 13
We had a great time hosting Arie van Deursen from TU Delft in the Netherlands. We had a long demo session during which we provided us with some great feedback, and he gave a great talk as part of the ISR Distinguished Speaker series.
Feb 13
SDCL will be presenting the following papers at ICSE 2013:
Gerald Bortis and Andre van der Hoek
Dastyni Loksa, Nicolas Mangano, Thomas LaToza, and André van der Hoek
Alfredo Motta, Nicolas Mangano, Andre van der Hoek
Lee Martie and André van der Hoek
Thomas D. LaToza, W. Ben Towne, André van der Hoek, James D. Herblseb
Thomas D. LaToza, Evelina Shabani, André van der Hoek
See you in San Francisco!
Dec 12
Michele Bonazza is now back in Italy to complete his Ph.D. program there. Time has gone very fast and we have had a great time. Look toward CaliSmall, a standalone adaptation of Calico for Android tablets, to hopefully appear in the Google Play store soon…
Dec 12
Our long-term collaborator Marian Petre from The Open University visited us for this week, working on finalizing a book to be published out of the SPSD 2010 workshop (it is almost done!), and providing us with feedback on Nick Mangano’s work on analyzing sketches on whiteboards. Her insights are always much appreciated and we already look forward to her next visit!
Dec 12
Congrats to Gerald Bortis for the ICSE acceptance of his paper on PorchLight!
Nov 12
We had a lot of fun grouping the results of Evelina’s and Thomas’ interviews. Nick Mangano suggested an indexation. Nick Lopez came up with many labels (topics?) to one note. Michele complained about so much meta-data. Lee suggested a group for the “unrelated”. Since the sticky notes moved all over the walls, the outcome looks promising. More work to do!
Oct 12
Our group continues to grow! We are very excited to welcome Sergio Villaverde Herrera to the laboratory. He is joining us for the year as an education abroad student from the University of Granada, Spain, and is exploring building a scalable server side to Calico (scalable to many many users).
Oct 12
Michele – looking amused at the funny cat pictures we found while restoring some images from the tablets (sometimes, servers crash and important work is almost lost…).
Sep 12
The SDCL has moved! Our new space is in ICS1, room 414 (see our directions page). Come visit us in our new space for a tour (and demos, as always!).